Geometry Pre-AP Year at a Glance
2018 - 2019 School Year
The CSISD Math Program Ensures:
CSISD math students will be able to independently use their learning to:
Communicate, analyze, and justify the reasonableness of mathematical ideas in diverse situations.
Persevere in solving mathematical problems.
Select appropriate tools and technology to solve everyday problems with precision.
Model mathematical relationships to understand and make decisions in daily life scenarios.
Pacing Overview**
1st 6 weeks 8/20-9/28 |
2nd 6 weeks 10/1-11/9 |
3rd 6 weeks 11/12-12/21 |
4th 6 weeks 1/7-2/15 |
5th 6 weeks 2/19-4/5 |
6th 6 weeks 4/8-5/24 |
Unit 1 |
Unit 2 |
Unit 3 |
Unit 4 |
Unit 5 |
Unit 6 |
**Note: Throughout the year the units may shift due to testing and school activities.
Unit Overviews
Unit 1: Geometry Basics
TIMELINE: 3 weeks
SUMMARY: In order for students to be successful for the entire year, students will need to start with an
introduction to basic Geometry terms, definitions and concepts. This will include:
Coordinate Geometry (1.5 weeks)
Angles (1.5 weeks)
Unit 2: Logic & Proofs
TIMELINE: 3.5 weeks
SUMMARY: Students will develop their logic and reasoning skills through the use of Algebraic and
Geometric Proofs. This will include:
Geometric Reasoning (1.5 weeks)
Parallel Lines (2 weeks)
Unit 3: Triangles
TIMELINE: 8 weeks
SUMMARY: Students will continue to use their logic and reasoning skills through the study of triangle
properties and proving triangles are similar and proving triangles congruent. This will include:
Triangle Properties (1.5 weeks)
Congruent Triangles (1 week)
Similar Triangles (1.5 weeks)
Right Triangles (2 weeks)
Law of Sines and Cosines and Vectors (2 weeks)
Unit 4: 2D and 3D Figures
TIMELINE: 11 weeks
SUMMARY: Students will find study properties of quadrilaterals and find area of all two-dimensional
figures. They will also find surface area and volume of three-dimensional figures and use these skills to solve problems. This will include:
Quadrilaterals (1.5 weeks)
Area of 2D Figures (3 weeks)
Surface Area & Volume of 3D Figures (5 days)
Function Applications with Surface Area & Volume (1.5 weeks)
Unit 5: Circles
TIMELINE: 4 weeks
SUMMARY: Students will study properties and theorems of circles and be able to use and apply those
theorems. This will include:
Parts of Circles (2 weeks)
Segments and Angles in Circles (2 weeks)
Unit 6: Constructions, Transformations & Probability
TIMELINE: 3 weeks
SUMMARY: Students will use constructions to investigate properties of geometric figures; perform
transformations of figures; and review the use of probability as it might relate to Geometry.
Transformations (1.5 weeks)
Constructions (0.5 week)
Probability (1 week)