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College Station Middle School

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College Station Middle School

8th Grade Year at a Glance


2018 - 2019 School Year

The CSISD Math Program Ensures:

  • CSISD math students will be able to independently use their learning to: 

    • Communicate, analyze, and justify the reasonableness of mathematical ideas in diverse situations. 

    • Persevere in solving mathematical problems. 

    • Select appropriate tools and technology to solve everyday problems with precision. 

    • Model mathematical relationships to understand and make decisions in daily life scenarios. 

Pacing Overview**

1st 6 weeks


2nd 6 weeks


3rd 6 weeks


4th 6 weeks


5th 6 weeks


6th 6 weeks


Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

**Note:  Throughout the year the units may shift due to testing and school activities.

Unit Overviews

Unit 1:  Real Numbers Relationships and Applications

  • TIMELINE: 7 weeks

  • SUMMARY:  Students to  represent and use real numbers in a variety of forms.  Students select and 

use expressions and equations to represent and solve problems involving rational numbers. Students use geometric properties, including the Pythagorean Theorem, to solve problems. 

  • Real Number Relationships (2 weeks)

  • Equations and Inequalities (2.5 weeks)

  • Pythagorean Theorem (2.5 weeks)

Unit 2:  Proportional Reasoning

  • TIMELINE: 5 weeks

  • SUMMARY:  Students extend their understanding of proportionality to include representations on a 

coordinate plane and applications, including slopes of lines. They contrast proportional relationships with relationships that are not proportional.

  • Slope (3.5 weeks)

  • Proportional Relationships and Direct Variation (1.5 weeks)

Unit 3:  Measurement and Geometry

  • TIMELINE: 7 weeks

  • SUMMARY:   Students will use geometry to solve problems as well as develop transformational 

geometry concepts.  

  • Angle Relationships (1.5 weeks)

  • Transformations (2 weeks)

  • Volume & Surface Area (3.5 weeks)

Unit 4:  Data Analysis

  • TIMELINE: 2.5 weeks

  • SUMMARY:  Students use representations of association, center, and variation to make inferences 

from data.

  • Mean Absolute Deviation (1 week)

  • Scatterplots (1.5 week)

Unit 5:  Financial Literacy

  • TIMELINE: 1.5 weeks

  • SUMMARY:  Students will work towards developing an economic way of thinking and problem solving 

useful in one's life as a knowledgeable consumer and investor. 

Unit 6:  Preview of Algebra

  • TIMELINE: 4 - 5 weeks  (after STAAR)

  • SUMMARY:   These topics will be used to help students with the transition from Grade 8 Mathematics 

to Algebra 1.  These topics will be varied based on teacher choice and student needs. This will include:

  • Polynomials 

  • Project Based Activity