7th Grade Year at a Glance
2018 - 2019 School Year
The CSISD Math Program Ensures:
CSISD math students will be able to independently use their learning to:
Communicate, analyze, and justify the reasonableness of mathematical ideas in diverse situations.
Persevere in solving mathematical problems.
Select appropriate tools and technology to solve everyday problems with precision.
Model mathematical relationships to understand and make decisions in daily life scenarios.
Pacing Overview**
1st 6 weeks 8/20-9/28 |
2nd 6 weeks 10/1-11/9 |
3rd 6 weeks 11/12-12/21 |
4th 6 weeks 1/7-2/15 |
5th 6 weeks 2/19-4/5 |
6th 6 weeks 4/8-5/24 |
Unit 1 |
Unit 2 |
Unit 3 |
Unit 4 |
Unit 5 |
Unit 6 |
**Note: Throughout the year the units may shift due to testing and school activities.
Unit Overviews
Unit 1: Rational Number Relationships and Applications
TIMELINE: 9 weeks
SUMMARY: Students represent and use rational numbers in a variety of forms. Students will add,
subtract, multiply, and divide while solving problems and justifying solutions.
Rational Number Representations and Operations (6 weeks)
Equations and Inequalities (3 weeks)
Unit 2: Proportional Reasoning
TIMELINE: 8 weeks
SUMMARY: Students represent and solve problems involving proportional relationships. Students will
use multiple representations to represent linear relationships.
Applications of Proportional Reasoning (6.5 weeks)
Similar Figures and Scale Drawings (1.5 weeks)
Unit 3: Measurement and Geometry
TIMELINE: 7 weeks
SUMMARY: Students use geometry to describe or solve problems involving proportional relationships.
Students develop understandings of geometric relationships to solve geometric problems.
Angle Relationships (0.5 week)
Area and Circumference of Circles (1.5 weeks)
Area of Composite Shapes (2.5 weeks)
Volume of Prisms and Pyramids (2.5 weeks)
Unit 4: Financial Literacy
TIMELINE: 1.5 weeks
SUMMARY: Students will work towards developing an economic way of thinking and problem solving
useful in one's life as a knowledgeable consumer and investor.
Unit 5: Probability and Statistics
TIMELINE: 4 weeks
SUMMARY: Students use probability and statistics to describe or solve problems involving
proportional relationships.
Probability (2 weeks)
Data Interpretation (3 weeks)
Unit 6: Preview of 8th Grade
TIMELINE: 1 week (after STAAR)
SUMMARY: After the STAAR is given, there is still a small amount of class time remaining before the
year is over. These topics will be used to help students with the transition from Grade 7 Mathematics to Grade 8 Mathematics. These topics will be varied based on teacher choice and student needs.