8th Grade Year at a Glance
2018 - 2019 School Year
The CSISD English, Language Arts, and Reading program ensures students and their families:
Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
Critically engage with a range of texts and media created for a variety purposes and audiences to better understand themselves, others, and the world around them.
Appropriately communicate (receptively and expressively) for a variety of audiences, purposes, and occasions.
Ask meaningful questions, seek answers, and critically reflect on the results.
Compose texts in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Pacing Overview**
1st 6 weeks 8/20-9/28 |
2nd 6 weeks 10/1-11/9 |
3rd 6 weeks 11/12-12/21 |
4th 6 weeks 1/7-2/15 |
5th 6 weeks 2/19-4/5 |
6th 6 weeks 4/8-5/24 |
Unit 1 |
Unit 2 |
Unit 3 |
Unit 4 |
Unit 5 |
**Note: Throughout the year the units may shift due to testing and school activities.
Unit Overviews
Unit 1: Understanding Through Reading & Response
TIMELINE: 5-6 weeks
SUMMARY: Setting a foundation for reading habits, reading critically, and responding to reading both orally and in writing.
Unit 2: Understanding Through Author's Craft & Language
TIMELINE: 4-5 weeks
SUMMARY: Analyzing author’s craft (including choices made regarding structure, language, etc.) to determine meaning in text and to apply to products.
Unit 3: Understanding Through Genre Study
TIMELINE: 12-15 weeks
SUMMARY: Recognizing and analyzing genre elements and characteristics across increasingly complex texts. Composing genre specific drafts.
Unit 4: Understanding the Writing Process
TIMELINE: 2-3 weeks
SUMMARY: Using a draft from Unit 3, complete the writing cycle, focusing specifically on argumentative writing. Time is allotted for STAAR Prep.
Unit 5: Understanding Through Inquiry & Research
TIMELINE: 3-4 weeks
SUMMARY: Use inquiry and research to gain a deeper understanding of a selected topic and communicate findings.